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    Welcome to a wonderful world of history and heirlooms. Whether you're in search of Dazzling Deco or Elegant Edwardian North Coast is the premier marketplace to view magnificent gems and jewelry. Our collection is hand curated; made up of pieces selected for their individual quality, rarity, and true representation of their respective eras. With fine examples from all eras you will find browsing our inventory to be like taking a step back in time.

    Our Journey-

    With over a decade of experience under his belt buying and selling in his father's company, Lane decided to branch out and pursue his passion - hunting unique, high quality jewelry!

    We hunt the globe where ever beautiful jewelry may take us. We have bought jewelry all across not only our native Michigan, but all over the United States and even over seas! When you purchase a piece from us know that each piece was hand selected to be a unique work of art and piece of history!

    The Team -

    Lane - Owner, Curator

    Lane is North Coast Jewelry's founder and president. With over a decade of experience under his belt buying and selling in his father's company, Lane decided to branch out and pursue his passion - hunting unique, high quality jewelry!

    Krystyna- Owner, Marketer

    Krystyna is Lane's better half and North Coast's social media master! When she's not juggling their four beautiful children she is working her magic as a social media guru helping spread the gospel of vintage jewels! As our behind the scenes miracle worker she wear so many hats (and beautiful jewels!) From creating our newest listings, handling all of our logistics, coordinating all of our projects, keeping Lane organized (a big job in itself) and providing the much needed caffeine to keep the NCJ machine running she is always busy helping keep everything running smoothly! 

    Tiffany and Amber - Warehouse Staff, and Fulfillment

    Tiffany and Amber are North Coast Jewelry's "Elves" working all of the behind the scenes magic. As Krystyna's right (and left!) hands these fabulous ladies help put together all of the pieces to create your online shopping experience. They help with inventory photography (and starting their impromptu modeling careers!) creating the listings and sharing across many platforms so our collection can be found far and wide, answering customer questions, and making sure your new treasures get to you safe and sound with fast, well packed, secure shipping.