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    News — report

    History of the Pearl

    History of the Pearl

    The Persian Gulf has been a major source of natural pearls throughout history. Pearling was a significant industry in regions like Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. This dangerous profession was known for its risks but also for the potential rewards of finding valuable pearls. In the 19th century, the development of cultured pearls revolutionized the pearl industry. Kokichi Mikimoto of Japan is credited with perfecting the technique of culturing pearls, leading to increased accessibility and affordability. Pearls gained popularity in the early 20th century, particularly during the Art Nouveau and Art Deco movements.

    Today cultured pearls are the most common type available in the market. These pearls are created by inserting a nucleus into an oyster or mussel, stimulating the formation of a pearl. Major sources of cultured pearls include Japan, China, Australia, and various countries in the South Pacific. Additionally, natural pearls, formed without human intervention, are still found but are extremely rare and valuable.

    Birthstone of June

    Birthstone of June

    In the world of gemstones, the month of June is associated with the birthstone pearl, which is considered to be a symbol of purity and innocence. Pearl is a popular choice for brides because it symbolizes grace, beauty and elegance. 

    Pearls are formed when an irritant such as sand gets inside an oyster or mussel shell and causes damage to its lining (cavity). To protect itself, the mollusk secretes nacre (a substance made up of calcium carbonate) around the irritant over time until a beautiful pearl forms. Pearls vary greatly in color, size and shape depending on their origin; however, they all have one thing in common: they're gorgeous!

    Alexandrite and Moonstone are also birthstones of June.

    Rose Cut

    Rose Cut

    Rose cut diamonds began making an appearance in the 1500’s, white rising and falling in popularity this diamond cut pairs with other antique cuts with ease. Rose cut diamonds are covered with petit triangular facets that cover the entirety of the gem. These triangle facets are only covering the tops, the bottom of this diamond cut is flat. These diamonds are excellent at looking large, with the domed top and the flat bottom they can look upwards to twice their actual carat weight. While still being cut by hand and candlelight these Rose cuts can be easier on your pocketbook. With multiple triangular facets covering the diamond, these cuts typically shimmer rather than sparkle. Each facet catches the light and immediately reflects it back to you.

    Just like other antique cut diamonds, these Rose cut diamonds come in all shapes and sizes. Making beautiful accent gems for jewelry from all eras. Rose cuts lost popularity when cuts like the Old Mine and Old European cut came to be. These cuts had more shine rather than shimmer. Imperfections are easier to be detected in cuts like the Rose cut, there for diamonds used for Rose cuts are chosen carefully to ensure its beauty. Rose cut diamonds come in may shapes are highlight the rough diamond in its simplest form. Beautifully hand cut, each antique diamond cut showcases its natural beauty.


    What Are Some Of The Best Diamond Grading Labs?

    What Are Some Of The Best Diamond Grading Labs?

    The diamond grading labs are independent entities that rate diamonds based on their qualities and features and issue certificates accordingly, which aid in the sale of those diamonds. Each diamond lab has different methods of grading, and thus their rating may also differ from one another. However, some of these labs are considered the best critics of the ‘rocks’ (all pun intended) and their certificates are taken more seriously than others. 

    Let’s shed some light on their names. 

    The Gemological Institute of America

    By far, GIA is the most popular diamond grading laboratory in the world. Surprisingly, it’s a non-profit organization with the most accurate and consistent grading system that almost all diamond merchants and jewelry dealers rely on. Not only that, but they have also altered the world’s basic perception of precious stones with their extensive researches and findings since their inception in 1931. 

    American Gemological Society 

    Mostly regarded at par with the GIA because of their high standards and accuracy of grading, they are better known for their alphabetical grading system. Besides grading diamonds, they also offer extensive educational products to create awareness about the precious stones and enhance the diamond trade at large. Their scientific reports and certifications are valued by most of the merchants, dealers, and manufacturers apart from the regular customers. 

    European Gemological Laboratory

    The popularity of EGL goes beyond the European boundaries for their clarity and concise reporting approach. For diamonds less than 1 carat, the EGL is quite efficient in their grading techniques. However, they can’t be trusted much for the S13 diamonds. 

    International Gemological Institute

    Based in Belgium and preferred more by the Asian countries, the IGI is undoubtedly the second-most popular grading institute in the world. Numerous polished diamonds that are available in the market have been graded by IGI, which also offers courses on diamond grading and certification. 

    Grading systems may differ widely, but the diamonds having consistent grading will be preferred more by customers while investing their money in.